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A Tech-Spy For A Tender Spy; Get Your Smartphone Spy App Now

September 11 2013 Published on #smartphone spy app

A Tech-Spy For A Tender Spy; Get Your Smartphone Spy App Now

It’s an old saying that only a diamond can cut another diamond. Same way you can only use a spy to catch a spy. Large organizations send in their spies to rival organizations to get access to the secrets, new plans and projects of their rivals. This mostly happens in construction companies who send spies to rival companies to know the tender rate that the rival company is offering. The company can then offer a slightly better tender rate and take the contract away from their rivals.

Problems Faced:

Construction companies lose contracts worth billions due to Spies in their organizations. The spies work very hard in rival organizations and get to a high post where they can know the tender rates the company wants to offer. Once the rate is exposed to the rival company then you don’t have anything to do but to see your rival take the order that you were supposed to take.


The most effective and economical solution to counter this threat is to use the help of any top quality smartphone spy app to keep an eye on all your employees. Getting stuck up with a fake app is going to turn out to be pretty hectic and costly for you. Construction company employers can get StealthGenie software for their employees and believe you me it is worth spending every cent over. This app helps them keep track of all the communications of their employees and helps them keep their business safe from their rivals.

What You Get With This App?

Moreover, you can benefit from a wide range of features offered by this smartphone spy app, it sure has a lot to boast about. Access to all the phone call records, E-mail messages, WhatsApp communications, contact details, SMS messages, call records, bookmarks, browsing history, BBM details, iMessages and so many more things are provided to you once you use the help of this app. Employers may even record all the calls that their employee make to anyone, be it within your office or outside it.

Subscribe Now!

Suitable with all iPhone, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets and BlackBerry devices, this app is the ultimate solution to all your business issues. For a price as low as $8.33 a month, you may keep your business safe from all the threats from within or outside your organization. So when are you getting a StealthGenie subscription; make sure you get it sooner than later.

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